Fall 2024 Course Offerings
RSHP 840 RSHP 840 Special Topics in Rehabilitation Sciences James A. Carson
Time:TBDPlace:TBDDuration:TBD Credit:1-5
The material for this course will vary based on student interest, special lecturer opportunities or other needs as determined by faculty and the Rehabilitation Sciences track director. (didactic, lecture)
RSHP 919 Rehabilitation Sciences Seminar James Carson
Time:Friday, 11:00 - 11:50Place:930 Madison Ave Conference RoomDuration:16 meetings, 50 minutes each Credit:1
This course will introduce students to the current research and topics pertinent to rehabilitation sciences particularly with a focus on muscle structure and function through literature review and guest lectures by external and internal speakers. This course will also teach the scientific research process. The student completing this course satisfactorily will attend presentations and take part in discussions of current research in areas of rehabilitation sciences. The student completing this course will learn skills for designing, conducting, and analyzing research. (didactic, seminar)
Spring 2025 Course Offerings